Thank You Islandmagee Primary School

Islandmagee Primary School held a harvest collection event and has donated the items brought in to Whitehead Storehouse to help those in economic difficulty this winter. Thank you very much for thinking of those who will not have very much and donating items that will help keep people fed during hard times.

Thank You Whitehead Congregational Church

Thank you very much to all those who contributed items at Whitehead Congregational Church’s recent Harvest Festival Service. These have been donated to Whitehead Storehouse to provide emergency food help to those in economic need in Whitehead, Ballycarry and Islandmagee. With the threat of a cold and difficult winter for all, these donations will help the most vulnerable in the local area.

Thank You St John’s Church of Ireland Islandmagee

Many thanks to those who donated items at St John’s Church of Ireland Harvest Festival Service for use by Whitehead Storehouse. Your gifts are gratefully received. It appears that the coming winter is going to be difficult for many people and your donations mean that Whitehead Storehouse will be able to provide emergency food help to those in need.

Thank You Presbyterian Church Islandmagee

Thank you very much to all the donors at the Islandmagee Presbyterian Church Harvest Festival Service, who gave food and other non-perishables and also donations of vouchers and cash to Whitehead Storehouse.

Whitehead Storehouse is really grateful for all the amazing support received this autumn, which will let us help those in need locally this winter, including Islandmagee, Whitehead and Ballycarry.

Thank You Ballycarry Primary School

Many thanks to the pupils, parents, carers and teachers at Ballycarry Primary School who donated non-perishable items to Whitehead Storehouse to help those in difficult circumstances. All these items are gratefully received and will be used to help people in need this winter in Ballycarry, Whitehead and Islandmagee with an emergency food parcel.
Autumn is a time of harvest and gratitude for food to last through the coming winter until the new growth.
Whitehead Storehouse is very grateful to all those who donate to help them provide emergency help to local people in need.

Check Your Hearing

As part of Positive Ageing Month, the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) has asked us to post some information on hearing, including a link to an online hearing test, plus information in help with hearing aids.

Or try an online test. This is not a full test but will let you check whether you need one.

Here are some more useful links on hearing from the RNID

Some info on checking your hearing aid.

Contact RNID

If you (or someone close to you) are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus and need free confidential and impartial information and support, contact RNID. We are open 8:30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

You can

Chat to us on the RNID website at
Call: 0808 808 0123
Book a BSL video call via our partners at Sign Live: create an account at the SignLive website or download the SignLive app for Android or the SignLive app for iOS
SMS/text: 07360 268988
Relay UK: 18001 then 0808 808 0123
Write: RNID, Brightfield Business Hub, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough PE2 6XU

Thank You Islandmagee Methodist Church

Islandmagee Methodist Church Harvest Festival Donations

A huge thank you to all those who donated at the Islandmagee Harvest Festival Service. The donations have been passed to Whitehead Storehouse, the independent food bank for Whitehead, Islandmagee and Ballycarry and will be kept safe, ready for emergency food supplies to be provided for those in need in the local area.

We all know that food costs have risen steeply in the last few months and that heating has become even more costly, with oil, gas and electricity prices rising sharply. For those already in difficult economic situations, the coming winter will be even harder, with some people facing thorny choices between heating and eating. Whitehead Storehouse is very grateful for all donations that will allow us to help those in short term crisis with emergency food packs that will help them over a difficult patch.


A very generous financial donation has also been made from the Harvest Collection by Islandmagee Methodist Church. Very gratefully received. Thank you very much.

Thank You Church of Ireland

The Church of Ireland in Whitehead and Islandmagee asked those at the annual Harvest Festival Services this year to donate non-perishable items to Whitehead Storehouse, providing a list of the most needed items. St Patrick’s Church held their Harvest Service on 2 October 2022. St John’s Islandmagee is to hold their service on 16th October.

Donations from St Patrick’s service have now been delivered to Whitehead Storehouse and will be stored there, ready for emergency food supplies to be provided for those in need in the local area.

As everyone has no doubt noticed, fuel supply costs (oil, gas, electricity) are increasing sharply. This is on top of steady increases in the cost of food and other items from the shops. More people may well be faced with “Heat or Eat” decisions this winter than last year and Whitehead Storehouse is extremely grateful to those who donated items that can be used to provide emergency food packs to local families facing a short term crisis, for whatever reason.

Thank You Methodist Church Whitehead

The Methodist Church, Whitehead, Minister, Stephen Woods, held its harvest festival service on Sunday 25 September 2022, with all donations going to Whitehead Storehouse. The congregation and visitors provided a fantastic response to the call for non-perishable food to help those who would otherwise go hungry this winter. The pictures below show the amazing contributions that were transported to Whitehead Storehouse.

These will all be used to help those at economic disadvantage in the Whitehead area.

Many thanks to all those who donated or helped in any way.


More bags of food have since been received from Whitehead Methodist Church plus a very generous financial donation from a member of the Church, plus an offer of white goods.

Many thanks for the additional help. It will all be put to good use.

Thank You Lighthouse Bistro

Lighthouse Bistro

Grateful thanks to The Lighthouse Bistro, Whitehead, its customers and to Erica Lutzman for organising a fundraiser on behalf of Whitehead Storehouse. Over £200 was raised in the short space of 3 hours, every penny of which will go to help economically deprived residents of the local area.

With the cost of living and the cost of heating rising for everyone, this is going to be a hard winter for many, who will struggle to stay warm or feed their children. It also means that donors may well be finding the economic situation harder, so we are extremely grateful to all those who donated and of course to the Lighthouse Bistro for organising the fundraiser.